Videos These videos are parts of other stories located on the site. 1. Philosophy to Live By 2. Press On! 3. The Naval Aviator 8. Texas T-28 Round Up, 1955 11. FJ-3M Ejection, 1958 2, Departing Hong Kong 4. Covering the USS Maddox & USS Turner Joy 5. Returning to the Carrier 6. First Retaliatory Strike Against N. Vietnam 4. Combat Operations I 8. Combat 1 9. Combat 2 10. Combat 3 16. Forward Air Control Mission 1. Command At Sea 2. Command in the ’60s – ’70s 30. Cast Off, 1973 Depart 1 – West Coast Operations Depart 2 – Home Port Change Depart 3 – Delayed Sailing to WestPac Depart 4 – Enroute to Hawaii 44. Task Group 77.7 1976 Depart 5 – Arriving WestPac Depart 6 – Decision to Depart the Navy Depart 7 – CinCPacFlt Directions 3. O Captain, my Captain! 5. Sea Fever 46. Bicentennial in Singapore 1976 8. Gulf of Tonkin Pilots Reunited after 55 years 57. Double Up All Lines (Audio 26 Min) 58. USS Kawishiwi (AO-146) Gulf of Tonkin Ops, 1973 (Video 27 min)